Rest API Contact Region Location Update

Tags: Keap-Classic
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Please Note! This change will go into effect on November 15, 2017.

The Keap API has been updated to receive either the ISO code or the full name value. The full name value for any ISO code that is passed to Keap is what will be stored to the database.  This resolves an issue where the opposite value (ISO code or full name value was being stored when being passed to Keap


  • Passing the region as the ISO code of "US-AZ" would result in the full name value of "Arizona" being saved.
  • Passing the region as the full name value of "Arizona" would result in the ISO code of "US-AZ" being saved.

This change resolves the problem by always saving the full name value but accepting either format ("Arizona" will be saved if "US-AZ" or "Arizona" are passed to Keap).  This will affect integrations that are providing Keap a region of "Arizona" and are expecting "US-AZ" to be returned.


  • Passing the region as the ISO code of "US-AZ" would result in the full name value of "Arizona" being saved.
  • Passing the region as a full name value of "Arizona" would result in the full name value of "Arizona" being saved.

These changes will affect any REST API calls which can return a contact location/region as well as the validation for any REST API calls.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Input, be literal (accept "Arizona", "US-AZ", "AZ")
  • Output, stored information in the database.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions below:

Will this affect me?

Most integrations will not be affected by this change.  Less than 200 applications are using this call today, and the overwhelming majority of those applications are expecting the full name value to be returned.

How will I know if this change breaks my integration?

If an integration is being used that pulls the location/region/state/province field and the field stops being returned as it has in the past this change is probably the issue

How can I fix it?

The API has been changed to return the full name value of the ISO standard on the region.  If the full name value is the expected response, this change will not cause a problem.  For a list of ISO standard location regions, please reference

It is suggested to contact the developer who created the integration.. If the creator of the integration isn't reachable it is suggested to contact an Keap Developer Partner here.

Why was this change made?

In an effort to standardize API outputs, Keap adopted a stricter standard on how we store things like location.  This change was requested by many developers and maintains international standards.

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