Campaign Sequence - Apply/Remove Tags

This article applies to:

    • Tags applied at the beginning of a sequence usually define a specific lead magnet (e.g. Video Tips Series), a segment (e.g. Home Buyer), and/or a relationship stage (e.g. prospect.)
    • Tags applied in the middle of a sequence usually define a period of time that has elapsed or a milestone. These can help you gauge how long people stay in a sequence before responding to a call to action.
    • Tags applied at the end of a sequence can be used to add a contact to a broadcast list (e.g. monthly newsletter) after a period of inactivity or after they've completed a higher priority sequence (e.g. a customer welcome sequence.)
    1. Click and drag an Apply/Remove Tag object onto the campaign canvas to the right of the start icon or to the right of another object.

    2.  Double-click the icon to configure it.

    3. Choose a tag option (apply or remove) and then enter the tag name into the search box to find a list of possible matches.
    4. Click on the tag name to select it or start typing to create a new tag and click the Create button to create it. You can repeat this process to add multiple tags.
    5. Click on Save to apply the tag settings
    6. Don't forget to publish your changes before going live!
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