Email Broadcast Reports

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There are several marketing reports that will help you evaluate email marketing effectiveness. To see all of these reports, go to Marketing > Reports in the main navigation menu.

Email Broadcasts Report

The Email Broadcasts report shows you the status of broadcast emails sent by users; it may also show emails that are sent as a batch through a campaign; however, not all campaign emails are batched. or sent automatically through campaigns. It displays date, status, and summary level delivery statistics (sent, delivered, skip, or error.)

Skipped Emails: The system will skip emails that are duplicates, invalid, opted-out, or bounced.  To ensure accuracy, the batch status report does not include these email addresses in the total number of emails sent, therefore, the total sent may be less than the number of people on the broadcast list.

Pro Tips!

Open rates are estimates, and are not the best way to measure true engagement. An open rate is recorded for each person who receives the HTML version of an email and opens it long enough to activate the tracking image in the email. The system is not able to track instances where the recipient has images disabled in their email program or receive the plain text version of an email. The system may also record an open when a recipient briefly glances at the email, which is not true engagement. Click through rates are the best measure of email engagement.

"Unique" is a total of Contacts and Total is the count of instances.  So for example the image above shows Opens unique 1 and 6 Opens Total.  This means 1 contact opened the email 6 times.  This goes the same for Clicks Unique.

  1. Go to Marketing > Email & Broadcasts in the main menu
  2. Find your sent broadcast on the Email Broadcast History Page.
  3. Next to the email broadcast of interest, select the overflow menu and select View Report
  4. Click on a statistic to view a specific segment of the broadcast group (i.e. opened , clicked, bounced, etc.)

Pro Tips! 
To view the legacy broadcast report, click the button on the top right of the page and choose Legacy broadcast report. This option allows for you to further filter your reporting data and may be preferred for some customers.

  1. You can also view broadcast email statistics by adding the Email Stats widget to your home page dashboard.
  2. Select a Date Interval to create a single report which you can reference as time goes on

Email Broadcast Conversion Summary

The email broadcast conversion summary report displays a statistical summary on a per-broadcast basis. It displays the number of emails sent, opened, clicked, opt-out, bounce, spam complaints, and double opt-ins.

Click Through Percentage Search

The click through percentage search helps you identify the most engaged email recipients. It displays click through statistics on a per-person basis. You can filter this search by percentage range, number of emails sent, number of emails clicked, tags, and more.

Keap uses link tracking algorithms to detect web crawlers and bots that scan emails and click links. We filter bot activity out of your reports so that you have accurate data and insights. Our system also ensures that those bots don't get tagged or entered into campaign sequences, keeping your CRM organized.

Email Status Search

The email status search report displays a list of people based on the status of their email address (i.e. bounce, opt-in, opt-out, etc.). You may use this search to clean up your database or to follow up with people who have bad email addresses in your system. Search by multiple criteria, including email status, last sent date, tags, and more. Click on Opt Status to view additional details.

Email Complaint Summary

Use the email complaint summary report to monitor email complaints generated when someone clicks on the SPAM button in their email client (ISP Complaints) or when they opt out of your email marketing (Internal Complaints). You must keep your complaint rate below .01% (1 per thousand emails) to comply with the Max Classic acceptable use policy and the CAN-SPAM Act. This report helps you monitor and manage email complaint issues right away.

Email Broadcast A/B Testing Results

The Broadcast Report pages will help you understand your results of your A/B Test.

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