Easy Password Recovery

Tags: Keap-Classic
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Please Note! We recommend using the online Strategy Guide to source your campaigns. The Strategy Guide is kept up-to-date with the latest campaigns. This campaign may contain legacy content (e.g, legacy emails, legacy landing pages, etc...)

This article provides instructions for launching the Easy Password Recovery campaign that you can download for free from the Infusionsoft Marketplace.

This campaign contains a web form your membership site users can use to request their password via email.

  1. Download the Easy Password Recovery campaign from the Marketplace

  2. Setup the Campaign Link

    The email delivering a member's password also points the member back to your membership site login page. In this part, you tell the campaign the login page URL.

    1. In the upper left of the page, click on the Campaign dropdown and click on Links.
    2. Click Edit to change the Member Login Page URL.
    3. Update the placeholder URL with the actual URL of your membership site login page and click Save.
    4. Click on Close in the lower right corner of this menu to close it.
  3. Publish the Campaign

    All items on this campaign by now should look light green/greyed out (like the Password Recovery Formgoal). This means we can safely Publish.

    1. Click the Publish button in the upper right of the page.
    2. Click the Publish button at the bottom of this list to finish publishing the campaign.
  4. Put Password Recovery Form on Your Site

    Your password recovery form is now is ready to go! You just need to grab the form's web code and put it on your site.

    1. After the publish is finished, in the upper left of the page just below the Back to List button, click on the Edit tab .
    2. Double click on the Password Recovery Form WEB FORM goal
    3. After the form opens, click on the Code tab towards the top middle of the page.
    4. In the Do It Yourself section, copy the Javascript Snippet code; this is the actual code for the form itself.
    5. Publish this form code on a page (or pages) of your membership website. Your members now have a way to quickly and easily recover their membership password!
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