You can block domains from submitting web forms. This is particularly useful if someone keeps filling out your form and reporting your email as spam; this type of malicious intent is not common, but can happen.
Please Note! This feature applies to both web forms and internal forms. This does not apply to contacts added by 3rd-party solutions that add contacts to your system via the API.
Please Note! You can't block a specific email address within a domain; You can only enter a string of text, that when found in the email address, will cause the form to not submit and display an Error 7726. For example, if you were going to block the email address,, and no one else on that domain, entering would not work. You must enter either david or xbsuinessprofs as a line item in the Spam Filter and note that any email address containing david or xbsuinessprofs before or after the @ sign will also be blocked!
Protip! The spam filter is a global setting that applies to all of the web forms you create. If a blocked domain is entered into the form, the person submitting the form will see the error message below (Error 7726).
- Navigate to Admin and click Settings. Then from the left navigation, click Application.
- In the Form Security > Spam Filters section, enter the domain name(s) that you want to block. For example, to block any email address ending with the domain, "", just type, xbusinessprofs into the SPAM filter. To add multiple domains, enter each domain on a new line.
- Click Save.