Permission to access DKIM settings

This article applies to:

You can now permit a non-admin user (such as an Keap Certified Partner) to modify DKIM settings in your Keap account.

  1. Navigate to Users in the Admin section of the main menu.

  2. Click the Edit Permissions link to the right of a non-admin user that you wish to grant access to DKIM settings.

  3. Click on the Application tab within the permissions view.

  4. Scroll down to the Can see app account management page and change the permission to No.

  5. Scroll down to the Can edit Misc Settings permission and change the permission to Yes.

  6. To simulate full admin permissions for the non-admin user, be sure to set all other settings to Yes. This simulates full admin rights and excludes Billing & Account Info information that is private to the partner admin user. Non-admin users will now be able to access settings underneath the Marketing section of the main navigation menu to setup DKIM, while not exposing billing information found under Billing & Account Info.
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