Understand The Shopping Cart And Storefront

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The Max Classic Shopping Cart is a method of selling products and / or services online.  It has 2 components: a storefront and a shopping cart.  The shopping cart functions independently of the storefront, giving you the option to create your own custom storefront on your website.

The Storefront

The storefront organizes and displays the goods you have for sale. The storefront includes navigation links so that potential customers can easily browse through your products to read descriptions and view pricing before they select an item for purchase. You can choose from several storefront themes to get you started. You can also customize the theme to match your branding. Using it is completely optional. You can also build a custom storefront on your website that links to the Max Classic shopping cart for checkout.

Note that products are organized alphabetically by product name on the storefront.

The Shopping Cart

The shopping cart provides an order summary, subtotal pricing (without tax or shipping), and collects the billing and shipping information. The shopping cart does not include storefront navigation, but does include an option to "continue shopping" that takes the buyer back to the store to select more products.

The shopping cart works well when you offer a variety of products and a customer is likely to purchase more than one at a time. A customer can purchase an unlimited number of items before checking out. It is also used to process orders initiated by your direct sales team through opportunities.

The shopping cart integrates with online payment processors. These companies handle the financial end of the transaction - validating the credit card, charging the order, and depositing the funds into your merchant bank account.

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