Using Landing Page Templates

Tags: Keap-Classic
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Please Note! We recommend using the online Strategy Guide to source your campaigns. The Strategy Guide is kept up-to-date with the latest campaigns. This campaign may contain legacy content (e.g, legacy emails, legacy landing pages, etc...)

This article provides instructions for using the landing page templates found in any of the Landing Page Template Pack campaigns that you can download for free from the Keap Marketplace.

These campaigns contain unique pre-designed landing page templates that can be easily brought into your other campaigns.

Loading a landing page template into your campaign is easy!

  1. Go into a new or existing campaign (not the one you just installed)
  2. Drag out a new Goal onto the campaign canvas
  3. Give the goal a name, configure the goal to be achieved when a contact Submits a Landing Page form; click the green Save button
  4. Double click on the new Landing Page goal to edit it
  5. When it loads, in the upper right of the page click on the Landing Page button and select Copy from Campaign...
  6. Using the dropdown menu, select the Landing Page Template Pack containing the design you want
  7. In the second dropdown that appears, select the specific landing page you want to copy
  8. After verifying this is the design you want, click on the green Use This button in the lower right corner of the page
  9. You can now customize the landing page content for the specific campaign objective
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