Use tag categories to organize your tags. Example of some tag category names:
- Customers
- Prospects
- Members
- Events
Add Tag Categories
- Go to CRM > Settings > Tag Categories.
- Click on the Add Tag Category button. Note: You can also create a new tag category "on the fly" when adding a new tag.
- Enter the category name and description and click on the Save button.
Change Tag Categories
- To change a tag to a different tag category, find the tag and select a new category from the Category drop-down.
View Tags within Tag Category
- Go to CRM > Settings > Tag Categories
- Click on a value greater than 0.
- View the list of tags with the given tag category.
Keap Academy

Be Careful! When you delete a tag category, it is permanent. The tags assigned to it will be reassigned to the "Unnamed Category." You may want to update existing tags before you delete a tag category.