Legacy Landing Pages vs. Web Forms

Tags: Keap-Classic
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You may wonder if you should use a landing page or a web form for you particular lead capture activity. Generally speaking, a "Landing Page" or "Squeeze Page" is a single-page website with a very clear call to action. The page copy and page design exists to do one thing - establish a value proposition that entices the visitor to trade their contact information with your offer. It's a specialty, one-off web page that is not part of a larger website. It is supposed to be distraction-free and focus only on the offer.

A web form is more flexible than a landing page because a web developer can integrate it more seamlessly into your website. It can be used as your "Contact Us" form on your website, your newsletter sign up form, etc... It can be adapted to more diverse applications than just a landing page.

There are other technical differences between the two that may help you decide which one to use in your marketing strategy:

FeatureLanding PagesWeb Forms
Mobile ResponsiveYesYes
Can be embedded into your websiteYes
Pre-Populate Fields from an Email
Only First Name, Last Name, and Email
Hosted by Keap option?
Self-hosted option?
No, but you can point your sub domain to the landing page
Yes (Can be embedded on your website)
Pre-made starter templatesYesNo
Modern Drag and Drop interfaceYesNo
Can be used to enroll a referral partner?No, but can be done with a legacy action setYes
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