Global User Permissions

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When you add a new user to Max Classic, the system automatically grants them global permissions. These permissions should be set for the minimum level of access you want to grant to every new user. After the new user has accepted your invite, you can edit their permissions further based on job-specific responsibilities. As you set up the global permissions, you will learn how each setting affects your user's experience and their ability to complete certain tasks. Global permissions do not apply to users who are added to the Admin user group - permissions for users in this group are automatically set to Yes.

  1. Go to Admin > Settings in the main navigation menu.
  2. Click on User in the User Settings menu.
  3. Click on the Global Permissions link. Review and/or change the global permissions for each area of the software. Each area is explained in the following articl
  4. The system automatically applies the change and confirms it with a green check mark.Permissions are divided into tabbed sections based on general and role-related categories. Within a tab, there may be sub-headers that further segment the specific permissions. Setting up Global Permissions is generally a one-time task. However, you may need to edit user permissions based on the user's job responsibilities.
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