The Max Classic shopping cart has single-step and multi-step capabilities.
Single-step cart
This is the most common shopping cart type. It generally provides the easiest way for customers to check out quickly. Single-step purchase process:
- Customers browse the storefront and add items to their cart.
- They go to the checkout page to submit their order.
- They enter their credit card and address information.
- They preview and submit their order.
Multi-step cart
A multi-step cart requires the customer to sign in prior to checking out items in their cart. After they sign in, they will be able to use an existing card on file and will not need to re-enter their billing and shipping information. This could be beneficial if the majority of your customers are repeat buyers. Most people will not want to use a multi-step setup because it introduces friction in the purchasing process and may increase shopping cart abandonment rates.
Multi-step process:
- Customers browse the storefront and add items to their cart.
- Then they go to the checkout page to submit their order.
- They sign in or create a new account.
- If this is a new account, they enter their credit card and address information. If it's an existing account, they can skip this step
- They preview and submit their order.
To switch between single-step and multi-step shopping carts...
- Go to E-Commerce > E-Commerce Setup and click on the Shopping Cart Settings link.
- Now, just select which checkout type you prefer.