Adding URL parameters to links to pre-fill an external web form

Tags: Keap-Classic
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Note that this article assumes you are linking to a web page that already has the ability to parse values from a query string to pre-fill a form.

A primer on URL query strings

You can construct links in Keap that contains data from the contact record. This is typically used when you want to pre-fill an external (non-Keap) form. URLs can be constructed to hold information from the contact record and then pass that information on to an external resource when it is clicked.

To add parameters to a link, you add a question mark "?" at the end of the URL and start adding your parameters and values. Everything after the question mark is called a "query string". Each subsequent parameter in a query string is separated by an ampersand "&". Here is what a URL with a query string looks like:

The query string is highlighted above. The first parameter is "first_name" which has a value of "Mickey". The second parameter is "last_name" with a value of "Mouse", etc...

Now that you know how to construct a query string, you just need to know how to merge data from contact record into the query string. You do that with merge fields.

Constructing the link

  1. Open an email in a sequence

  2. Click inside a text box and click the merge button

  3. Start adding all of the merge fields from the contact record you would like to include in the link

  4. At this point, it might be easier to paste them into Notepad (or equivalent) to construct the link. Structurally, the link will look like this when you are finished:

  5. Now, you can start building your link. Go ahead and add the link text where you want the link to exist (e.g., Click Here)

  6. Highlight the text and click the link icon

  7. Paste your newly constructed link into the box and click Insert Link

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