Post Appointment Follow Up Campaign

Tags: Keap-Classic
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Please Note! We recommend using the online Strategy Guide to source your campaigns. The Strategy Guide is kept up-to-date with the latest campaigns. This campaign may contain legacy content (e.g, legacy emails, legacy landing pages, etc...)

This article provides instructions for launching the Post-Appointment Follow Up campaign that you can download for free from the Infusionsoft Marketplace.

After an employee submits an internal form with the specific post-appointment communication, the contact receives a branded email with that information.

  1. Download the Post-Appointment Follow Up campaign from the Marketplace

  2. Publish the Campaign

    This campaign is 100% ready to launch, no setup required.

    1. Click the blue Publish button in the upper right; this will display a list of all items to be published.
    2. Click the green Publish button at the bottom of this list to publish the campaign.
  3. Send A Post-Appointment Follow Up Email

    Your campaign is ready to go! The next time you need to send a post-appointment follow up email...

    If they are a new contact:

    1. Submit the "Send Post-Appointment Follow Up" internal form according to this tutorial.
  4. If they are an existing contact:

    1. Submit the "Send Post-Appointment Follow Up" internal form according to this tutorial.
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