Release Notes

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September 2021 Product Recap

11/19/2021James Montgomery
You now have the ability to shorten link in text automation and the BigCommerce integration is back and better than ever

September 30, 2021 | Max Classic

09/28/2021James Montgomery
The BigCommerce integration has been restored on the BigCommerce store so you can now integrate your BigCommerce transactions with Keap to trigger immediate follow-up.

September 23, 2021 | Max Classic

09/21/2021James Montgomery
Keap's marketing text messages allow you to send messages to groups of contacts with automations. Link shortening allows you to preserve your character count by shortening long URLs.

September 16, 2021 | Max Classic

09/13/2021James Montgomery
Various bug fixes for PayPal, translations, and ecommerce

September 10, 2021 | Max Classic

09/08/2021James Montgomery
Fixed an issue where emails captured by API were not marked as marketable.

August 2021 Product Recap

09/13/2021Michael Indrelunas
We released some exciting new features and updates for Keap in August. Watch to learn about all the new features and how they can grow your business.

August 26, 2021 | Max Classic

08/20/2021Michael Indrelunas
This week we made improvements to your saved searches and reports.

August 20, 2021 | Max Classic

08/17/2021Michael Indrelunas
As of Aug 18, 2021, any contactNotes stored via Keap’s XML-RPC API that are longer than 10,000 characters will now be truncated down to 10,000 characters. If you are using our XML-RPC API to store contactNotes, we recommend ensuring you are not attempting to store contact notes beyond this limit.

August 12, 2021 | Max Classic

08/09/2021Michael Indrelunas
You can now send an automated text message from a sequence in the Campaign Builder. Text messages have a 94% open rate and are a highly effective tool in your communications toolbox.

August 5, 2021 | Max Classic

08/03/2021Michael Indrelunas
We resolved a bug where some special characters, such as ư, ơ, ă, ệ, Đ, and ạ, were being displayed as “?”.