2016 New Customer Welcome & Wow Campaign

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Please note that this is a Mastermind Archive video. Mastermind webinars were discontinued in 2016. We keep these videos available for the valuable strategic discussions contained herein, but you will likely see outdated Infusionsoft visuals.

Publish Date: 1/7/2016

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Mastermind Webinar! This week Russ will be going over how to set up and configure a nice New Customer Welcome & Wow campaign! We will discuss how you can configure this campaign to kick off for only new customers and not any of your current customers! Wowing your new customers is a great key to repeat business. You may be familiar with the free New Customer Welcome & Wow in your marketplace, and asked yourself, “How can I only trigger this campaign to run for new customers and not my existing customers” Russ will cover this, and more on our first Mastermind Webinar of 2016! As always, we will be taking your questions, too!

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