Popular Articles

  1. Campaign links

    Campaign links are useful time-savers when hyperlinks in your campaign emails change frequently.  Pro-Tips! There is no limit to the amount of campaign links you can create. A campaign link can only be used in the campaign that it was crea...
  2. Cancel your customer's subscription

    You are able to cancel and deactivate subscriptions manually when a customer contacts you by phone, email, or in person and asks to discontinue a service or upgrade to another service.  Automation Warning!  These instructions will help ...
  3. Manually Start Or Stop A Campaign Sequence

    In most cases, campaign sequences start and stop automatically as contacts complete campaign goals and move through the strategic process you designed. If you find yourself manually starting sequences regularly, then you may need to add a goal type ...
  4. Spam Traps

    Spam traps are commonly used by inbox providers and blacklist providers to catch malicious senders or legitimate senders with poor email marketing practices. A spam trap looks like a real email address, but it doesn’t belong to a real person n...
  5. Liquid syntax / dynamic content

    Liquid is a template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is now available as an open source project on GitHub, and used by many different software projects and companies. Liquid is the backbone of all Shopify themes, and is used to load dynamic content to the pages of online stores. (Source: https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/liquid)
  6. Custom Fields Vs Tags

    When do I use custom fields and when do I use tags? There has always been ambiguity surrounding this question, with vague definitions and unique use cases, and a long list of exceptions. I hope this helps. What do Fields and Tags have in common?&n...
  7.  Create a Referral Partner record (manually)

    Referral Partners are partners who sell your products on their sites for a commission that you pay to them, or they might sell a complementary product or solution to your own. It’s one way to get revenue from your products without having to do...
  8. Deactivate a user profile

    It's not possible to delete user profiles, but you can deactivate them to remove access and free up the user profile for another user. Deactivate a user profile  Navigate to Admin > Users. In the status drop-down, select Act...
  9. OAuth Authentication

    Developers use this OAuth process for API integrations. Jan 5, 2020 Update : Please note that we recently migrated our API Proxy provider from Mashery to Apigee. Please check out these API community posts for FAQs and to ask questions to our API ...
  10. Issue a refund

    Here is a list of supported merchant accounts and whether or not you can refund and/or void payments within Keap. Yes means you can issue a void/refund from within Keap and No means you will need to sign in to your merchant account, issue the refund...