Referral Partner Records

Create, search and manage referral partners


 Create a Referral Partner record (manually)
Referral Partners are partners who sell your products on their sites for a commission that you pay to them, or they might sell a complementary product or solution to your own. It’s one way to get revenue from your products without having to do all t...
Create a referral partner sign-up form
A referral partner sign-up form allows people to sign-up as referral partners in your referral partner program. Before creating the sign-up form, set up the commission program they will be assigned to.  When someone fills out the referral partn...
Search for Referral Partners
You can search for referral partners several ways; by individual referral partner, by all RPs under a specific commission program, and all child partners under a specific parent, are a few examples.  Search for RPs under a specific commission progr...
Assign A Referral Partner To Multiple Contacts
You can batch create referral partner referrals for an entire list of  people. You may need to do this after importing a list of leads after a  partner's event, webinar, or other joint marketing effort. Go to  CRM > Contacts in the main navigatio...
Mass update a list of referral partners
You can mass update the following types of data for a list of referral partner records: Status  Notify Lead  Notify Sale Lead Cookie for Default Skin Remove from Programs Add to Programs Referral Partner Record Custom Fields Mass update...
Merge referral partner info into emails
Merge fields are used to personalize email, letter, and task templates in partner messages and internal notifications. These merge fields work just like any other template merge fields. You can merge standard and custom referral partner record field...