
Learn how to issue refunds and voids on an order


Cancel your customer's subscription
You are able to cancel and deactivate subscriptions manually when a customer contacts you by phone, email, or in person and asks to discontinue a service or upgrade to another service.  Automation Warning!  These instructions will help you turn o...
Void a payment
You generally void a transaction when a customer cancels an order right away, makes duplicate purchases in error, or asks to change their method of payment. You can only void pending transactions - the ones that have not yet been settled by your mer...
Issue a refund
Here is a list of supported merchant accounts and whether or not you can refund and/or void payments within Keap. Yes means you can issue a void/refund from within Keap and No means you will need to sign in to your merchant account, issue the refund...
Issue a credit (write-off) or apply a price adjustment to an order
You generally issue a credit or apply a price adjustment against an unpaid order balance. If the customer already submitted a full or partial payment, then issue a void, refund, or manual refund. For how to issue a refund, click here . If the credi...
Issue a credit for a recurring payment
You may need to issue a credit against future recurring subscription billing as part of a special incentive to customers or as part of your subscription program retention efforts. Issuing a credit decreases the amount of a future payment or causes t...
Manage Chargebacks
A customer may initiate a chargeback when they think you have charged their credit card in error. The dispute may be the result of a stolen credit card, service issue, fulfillment error, or the customer just forgot. It's also possible that the custo...
Change the Next Bill Date for a subscription
A subscription product involves recurring billing based on the cycle you established when creating the product record. The next bill date is established based on this billing interval. Customers may occasionally ask you to change the next bill date ...
Balance a customer account that was refunded outside of Keap
When you manually refund a payment, the refund is recorded in Keap. Then, we process the financial end of the transaction outside of Keap. We manually record the refund if: The refund has already issued from the merchant account. The customer pai...
Refunding Options
The three available refund options are: Void , Refund , and Manual Refund . In Summary: Void the payment when the transaction took place on the same day of the refund request. Refund the payment when you want to return funds from your account...