Search and tag contacts

Organize and find your contacts by tagging them


 Advanced Contact Searching
Search Tab In this tab you can search by basic contact information, including name, company, email, email status, lead score, and tags. You can obtain multiple results by searching for general information, for example searching for ev...
 Apply or remove tags from a contact record
You can apply and remove tags from contact records.  While viewing a contact record, click the Tag   tab. To apply a tag, select a tag from a drop-down and click Apply this Tag. If you want to create a new tag, click the   Create a n...
Apply or remove tags from a list of contacts
You can apply tags to a list of contacts or remove them from a list of contacts.  Apply or Remove Tags from a list of contacts Go to CRM > Contacts click New Search  or choose a Saved search  from the drop down options. Check th...
Create a Tag
There are several ways to create tags in Max Classic. Often, you will create them on-the-fly while creating campaigns, contact records, emails, landing pages, etc. You can also go to CRM > Settings > Tags and create new tags or manage existing tags....
How to search by the date a contact record is created
Go to CRM > Contacts Click New Search Click the Misc Criteria tab Pro-Tip : Date created is available through multiple reports. It's always listed under the Misc Criteria tab Scroll down search by the contact's date create...
Tag categories
Use tag categories to organize your tags. Example of some tag category names: Customers Prospects Members Events Add Tag Categories Go to CRM > Settings > Tag Categories. Click on the Add Tag Category button. Note: You can also cr...
 Saved search
When you create a Saved Search , you save a set of criteria that determine which contacts show up in search results. The contacts listed in the results will change automatically as the people in your database respond to your marketing messages, mak...
 Use tags to create contact lists
Tags are marketing labels that are applied to contact records. Tags are one of the most powerful segmentation tools in Infusionsoft. Tags segment your contacts into very specific lists so that you can send more targeted marketing messages t...
View Custom Fields In Contact Searches
Navigate to CRM > Contacts in the main navigation menu (Optional) Click on New Search if available. This will reset any previous search criteria and you can skip to step 4. Click Edit Criteria / Columns... Click the Columns T...
Search for contacts with tags
When searching for contacts, tags give you powerful options. You can use the search function to find contacts that have, or don't have specific tags. For other ways to search for contacts, see the Advanced Contacts Searching article. Navigate to...