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  1.  Sales Pipeline Overview

      A sales pipeline defines a typical step by step process that sales reps go through to convert a prospect into a paying customer. A sales stage is created for each step in the sales process. The sales rep is responsible for moving the s...
  2. HIPAA

    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) applies to businesses required by federal law to align with privacy and security standards regarding personal medical information. Enable HIPAA Security Controls in Keap  The A...
  3. Delete a contact record

    Delete a Contact Record Customers are going to engage with your business in many ways.  Your full contact list is used for tracking all of the different interactions your have with customers and is very important to your business.  You ca...
  4. Stop an email broadcast

    Alert ! Modifying an already queued email may not give you the results you desire. When you schedule an email broadcast to be sent at a day and time in the future, it is added to a broadcast queue until that time arrives. Once the broadcast is sc...
  5.  Legacy Invisible reCAPTCHA Update in Keap

    Our web forms and landing pages utilize Google's Invisible reCAPTCHA . An icon will be visible in the lower right corner of the web page that includes a web form or a landing page that has Invisible reCAPTCHA support. This improves Keap&#...
  6. Checkout pages

    With checkout pages, small businesses using Infusionsoft by Keap’s E-Commerce platform can customize a web page with a product or service and let customers buy directly online, without ever having to get on the phone. Please Note: Checkout Pag...
  7. WePay Setup

    WePay closed its UK operations in August 2023. Customers will not be able to add a new WePay connection to their Keap account. There will be more information to come. WePay is a US based online payment service provider that Keap partners with to ...
  8. Apply or remove tags from a list of contacts

    You can apply tags to a list of contacts or remove them from a list of contacts.  Apply or Remove Tags from a list of contacts Go to CRM > Contacts click New Search  or choose a Saved search  from the drop down opti...
  9. PayPal Recurring Billing Setup

    Recurring Billing, which PayPal refers to as a Reference Transaction, takes existing billing information already gathered from a previously authorized transaction and reuses it to charge the buyer in a subsequent transaction. Reference Transacti...
  10.  Create Sales Pipeline Stages

      Max Classic has predefined sales pipeline stages, based on a typical direct sales process. You can customize these stages to align with your direct sales process. Each stage can be integrated into a sales and marketing campaign. Sales r...