Sales Pipeline

Create a sales pipeline to manage your opportunity records


 Sales Pipeline Overview
  A sales pipeline defines a typical step by step process that sales reps go through to convert a prospect into a paying customer. A sales stage is created for each step in the sales process. The sales rep is responsible for moving the stages...
 Sales Pipeline And Opportunity Settings
  The sales pipeline defaults determine how Max Classic behaves when an opportunity is created automatically. An active stage is one where a sales rep is engaging with the prospect and you want to protect the "lead" for that sales person. Defin...
Sales Pipeline Dashboard
Each sales person can add the Pipeline Stages widget to their dashboard and select which stages they want to monitor. Go to your dashboard by clicking the home icon button on the toolbar Click the Add Widgets button   Scroll down a...
Learn How Sales Reps Manage Leads in Max Classic
Important ! In order to be able to see and manage opportunity records, an admin must add you to the Sales Rep group! Watch the Opportunity Management Overview Video   Watch the Opportunity Record Overview Video   See How to Cre...
 Create Sales Pipeline Stages
  Max Classic has predefined sales pipeline stages, based on a typical direct sales process. You can customize these stages to align with your direct sales process. Each stage can be integrated into a sales and marketing campaign. Sales reps w...
 Set Up The Pipeline Checklist
  When a sales rep moves a stage in an opportunity record, it can initiate automation. However, there may be specific goals,  tasks, or talk topics related to each specific stage. The sales rep must  be aware of or complete these items, but the...
 Stage To Stage Pipeline Automation
Pro-Tip! Note that an opportunity can only be moved from one stage to another manually by a user. Pipeline automation refers to automating processes after an opportunity has been moved from one stage to another by a user. When a sales rep mov...
Trigger Sales Automation Without Moving A Stage
Sales stage movement is a great way to trigger predictable, standard actions that do not differ based on the individual prospect. However, there may be events that occur during the sales process that are not predictable and require some human discer...