New Articles

  1. November 3, 2022 | Max Classic

    Bug Fixes
  2. October 20, 2022 | Max Classic

    Bug fixes
  3. October 13, 2022 | Max Classic

    Multiple bug fixes
  4. October 6, 2022 | Max Classic

    bug fixes
  5. Reschedule an email broadcast

    If you have scheduled an email broadcast to go out at a future time, you have the option of rescheduling the broadcast to a different time. Pro-Tips! If you have just recently scheduled the broadcast, you may need to wait a few minutes in order...
  6. September 29, 2022 | Max Classic

    Enhancements to sending an email broadcast and bug fixes
  7. Providing Feedback

    Our team thrives on feedback. You can easily provide us your feedback while using your Max Classic app.  Just click on the question mark icon at the top of the page and select, Give us feedback in the drop-down menu. Fill out the feedback...
  8. September 15, 2022 | Max Classic

    Leave product feedback easily from within your app and multiple bug fixes for a better user experience
  9. Limits, Thresholds, and Overages

    As your business grows and your total contact count increases, you may find that you need to increase your contact limit or delete contacts in order to stay under your current threshold. Keap will inform you when you are getting close to your contac...
  10. September 9, 2022 | Max Classic

    In-app messaging to improve contact limits and overages as well as bug fixes for users.