Shipping & Fulfillment

Set up shipping and fulfillment options


 Available Shipping Options
Infusionsoft makes it easy for you to set up shipping options so you can get your products to your customers in a timely fashion.
 Configure shipping options
Max Classic allows you to define shipping options specific to your company such as taxed shipping fees, shipping outside the US, and choose the countries that your company defines as domestic shopping. Your customer will be able to sele...
 UPS Integration
  The UPS (United Parcel Services) shipping method calculates shipping in real time as customers check out through the shopping cart. These shipping fees are determined by customer location, delivery type, and current UPS rates. You can include...
Shipping Fees Per Product
The Specific Price per Product shipping method charges a specific fee for each "shippable" product in the cart. You set up a separate price for each product, and the system adds the per-product shipping fees together to provide a total at checkout. ...
Shipping Fees Based On Product Weight
The ship by weight shipping method calculates fees based on the total weight of the products in the cart. To use this method, you will need to add product weights to each "shippable" product. The system compares the weight total to the weight-range ...
Shipping Fees Based On The Order Total
The Ship by Order Total shipping method calculates fees based on the total cost of the "shippable" products in the cart. The system compares this total to the dollar ranges you've set up on your shipping table and charges the corresponding fee.  If...
Shipping Fees Based On Order Quantity
The Ship by Order Quantity shipping method calculates fees based on the total number of "shippable" products in the cart. It is a good solution for companies whose products are similar in weight and size since the actual shipping cost for each produ...
Flat rate shipping fees
The Flat Rate Per Order shipping method charges the same fee for every order, regardless of the number, price, weight, or type of products in the cart. It does not perform calculations. It charges shipping as long as there are "shippable" products i...
Offer free shipping
You are able to offer free shipping to your customers based on purchase criteria with Shipping Discounts . Customers will still select a shipping option, but will see a line item of Free Shipping in their Order Summary. You must use this configura...
Add Product And Service Fulfillment Notes To Orders
Max Classic does not include automated order fulfillment tracking. However, you can manually track this information on individual orders. You can add shipping and service notes to each line-item of an order. These are internal notes that you can ref...
 Automate Order Fulfillment With Fulfillment Reports
Infusionsoft lets you send requests automatically to your shipping provider so you can ship your products from your warehouse or another location.