Popular Articles

  1. Email bounces explained

    Most emails bounce because of a permanent issue with the receiving email account, a temporary issue with the receiving email account, or because the email is blocked by the receiving server. When an email bounces, the recipient's server sends a ...
  2. Legacy Landing Pages - Publish to a Custom Domain

    By default, all pages hosted by Keap have a URL that ends with infusionsoft.net . For example, https://29jfwi.landingpages.net/your-page-name , which are automatically secure by SSL. If you would like contacts to reach your landing pages through ...
  3.  PayPal Merchant Account

    Enable PayPal   Navigate to E-Commerce > E-Commerce Setup Click on Payment processing Check the PayPal option Click the Connect button Pro Tip! Make sure you have confirmed your email address with PayPal befor...
  4.  Advanced Contact Searching

    Search Tab In this tab you can search by basic contact information, including name, company, email, email status, lead score, and tags. You can obtain multiple results by searching for general information, for example searching for ev...
  5. Set Up An Order Form

    Pro-Tips : Order forms can hold up to 15 total products and/or services per form. Your products will be arranged by Product ID with the lowest (oldest) products displayed at the top of the list and the highest (newest) products at the bottom. Orde...
  6. Cancel my Max Classic application

    We are sorry to hear you are considering cancelling your services.  To protect you and your data, we require confirmation from a verified admin/owner of the account before making account changes. For this reason, an emailed request to cancel is...
  7. Custom unsubscribe and opt out links

    Legacy Notice : This article refers to a feature that is used with legacy broadcast emails which are created in Marketing > Templates .  There is a default unsubscribe / opt-out link displayed on the bottom of every broadcast email. Bec...
  8. Store Files In Keap

    Note that special characters are not allowed when naming files. For example, when using the New Email builder, if a file is uploaded with certain special characters such as ~`!@#$%^&*()-+= they will not be added to the file name. Keap include...
  9. Automated List Management

    List hygiene is a crucial part of email marketing best practices. With Automated List Management you have access to customize two email statuses. Unengaged Marketable Status - These contacts are eligible to receive your automated marketing emai...
  10. Email status search

    The email status search report provides a list of people based on the status of their email address; e.g., bounce, opt-in, opt-out. You can use this search to identify what to update in your database or you can use it to follow up with peop...