Automated List Management

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List hygiene is a crucial part of email marketing best practices. With Automated List Management you have access to customize two email statuses.

  • Unengaged Marketable Status - These contacts are eligible to receive your automated marketing emails, but are tracked as not having engaged for a certain number of months. The default time frame is 4 months.  

  • Unengaged Non-Marketable Status - These contacts will no longer be eligible to receive your automated marketing emails unless they engage with an email they've already received from you or submit a Max Classic web form.  

Set a "contact engagement threshold" (in months) which identifies and sets these statuses automatically.

Steps to set up Automated List Management

  1. From any page in the application navigate to Marketing > Settings.

  1. Click Automated List Management.

  1. Set the Unengaged Marketable Status Threshold to the number of months to consider a contact unengaged. We recommend a setting of 3 months.

  1. Toggle the Enable Unengaged Non-Marketable Status button to ON.

  1. Set the Unengaged Non-Marketable Status Threshold to the number of months the system will prevent sending content marketing emails. We recommend a setting of 6 months.

  1. Click to Save Email Address Status Limits to save the settings.

Note: The list management tool runs on a scheduled cadence of once per week on Saturday mornings. Contacts will not be set to Unengaged Non-Marketable until the next Saturday following when you set the toggle to "ON".

Unengaged Marketable Status 

These contacts will still be eligible to receive your automated marketing emails, but are tracked as not having engaged for the number of specified months. The default time frame for this status is 4 months - which is the hard-coded policy currently in place.  

Based on this threshold, after 4 months with no engagements (opens, clicks, web form submissions), all contacts with confirmed or unconfirmed email status will automatically move to an Unengaged Marketable status.  

In this status, contacts are still eligible to be sent automated marketing emails, but keep in mind that no engagement after 4 months increases risks for excessive spam complaints or hard bounce s due to email accounts becoming inactive over time. Once these contact re-engage with your marketing efforts (open, click, or submit a web form) their email status will return to the previous state.

Unengaged Non-Marketable

These contacts will no longer be eligible to receive your automated marketing emails unless they re-engage (open, click, web form submission.) If they re-engage, their email status will return to its previous state. 

Toggle this On and set your timeframe. The default timeframe recommendation is 6 months, but you can adjust 1-24 months depending on your preference. It must be equal to or larger than the Unengaged Marketable threshold.


If you later toggle this from on to off, it does not retroactively change the status of email addresses that were set by this feature in the past.

You can also disable this functionality by toggling the switch to the OFF position.

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