Marketing Reports

Understand how your marketing efforts are performing


Email Broadcast Reports
There are several marketing reports that will help you evaluate email marketing effectiveness. To see all of these reports, go to Marketing > Reports in the main navigation menu. Email Broadcasts Report The Email Broadcasts report shows you th...
Email status search
The email status search report provides a list of people based on the status of their email address; e.g., bounce, opt-in, opt-out. You can use this search to identify what to update in your database or you can use it to follow up with peop...
How to search for unengaged contacts
If you have reviewed List hygiene , then you may want to see if you have unengaged contacts in your app.  Navigate to Marketing  and click Reports . Click on Email Status Search to open the report. If your app brings you to a list of ...
Sequence Step Recipients report
You are currently only able to see results from the last 30 days The Marketing Sequence Step Recipients report shows contacts that have received an item from an automated sequnce in one of your campaigns. This report includes all existing conta...
Web Form Origin Report
The Web Form Origin Report provides a list of your web forms along with the campaign they’re created within. You may be a marketing wizard, but that doesn’t mean you can remember everything, so go to Marketing > Reports and use this as a reminder.
Web Form Tracking Report
Use the Web Form tracking report to view the Web Form submissions for specific forms within a given date frame.  This report is only for Web Forms and Legacy Landing Page . Pro-Tip! Note that "email address" is not available on this ...