Product Specific Discount

This article applies to:

The Product Specific discount is applied to the price of a specific product. It can be applied as a percentage or fixed dollar amount. By default, a customer is eligible for a Product Specific discount as long as the sale product is in the shopping cart, but you can also set up additional criteria to define more eligibility requirements.

The product discount will be displayed below the product in the Shopping Cart and order forms. Please be aware, the discounts do not show up next to the product in the shopping cart storefront itself, but will show up once the product has been added to the customer's shopping cart.

Note that if there is a payment plan or subscription, this discount will apply to every payment (both initial and all subsequent). If you need to apply a discount to only the initial (first cycle) of the payment plan or subscription you would typically use a order total discount.  

Important Note! Promo Code criteria will not operate on legacy order forms or legacy shopping cart.

  1. Go to E-Commerce > Promotions

  2. Select Product Specific Discount from the drop-down.
  3. Enter the following details...
    • Name: The name shows up for customers and users. It should be short but descriptive (e.g. Lil Slugger Bat Discount.)
    • Description: The description only shows up for customers in the order summary section of the legacy shopping cart and legacy order forms. It can further describe the discount benefits.
    • Product: Select a product from the drop-down. This product will be discounted when it is added to an order, and any additional criteria are met.
    • Type: This determines the method of calculation.
      • Select Percent if you want to set up a variable discount that is calculated by multiplying the order total by a percent (e.g. .20 for 20%.)
      • Select Amount if you want to set up a fixed discount that does not change based on the dollar value of the order. The discount is the same for every purchase, as long as they meet your specified criteria.
    • Amount: This is the numerical value for the percent or fixed amount discount.
    • Discount Referral Partner Commissions: Set to Yes if you want to base referral partner commissions on the discounted pricing instead of calculating the referral payout on the full price of the product. This only applies if you are using the Referral Partner component and have set up percent commissions for one or more commissions program.

  4. Click Save to save the Discount.
  5. Enter Criteria. These criteria define one or more condition that must be true for the discount to apply. If you set up more than one criteria, they must ALL be true to make the purchase eligible for the discount.
  6. Select a criteria type from the drop-down: Date Range, Promo Code, Product / Qty, Subscription Program, Order Total

  7. Enter the specific criteria parameters (i.e. start/end date, code, etc.)
  8. Save the criteria.
  9. Save the discount.
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