Text Messaging


Text Broadcast & Automation FAQs
Use Keap's Text Broadcasts and Automations to send critical communication through text messages via a toll-free 1-800 number. Text messages have an open rate of 94%, much higher than email's ~21% open rate. This feature is currently only available t...
Marketing text message templates
Save time by creating and managing templates for your repetitive messages so you never have to copy and paste them again. Look for the templates icon wherever you can send a marketing text message in Advanced Automations. This feature will initially...
Keap Marketing Number Settings
You can access your Keap Marketing Number settings from anywhere you write marketing texts including Broadcasts, Easy Automations, and Advanced Automations KMN Number and Billing Information Review your message sending rate and bill. Finding yo...
Text message broadcasts
Use Keap's text message broadcasts to send critical communication through text messages via a toll-free 1-800 number. Text messages have an open rate of 94%, much higher than email's ~21% open rate. This feature will initially only be available to U...
Toll-free message verification
Toll-Free Message Verification is currently required in the U.S and Canada by telecom carriers. Next time you send a text message broadcast, you will be prompted with a verification form to add or update their information before using your Keap Mark...
Text Marketing Reply Management
The Text Marketing Number inbox allows you to converse with your customers and prospects that have replied to your automated text messages. Automated text messages come from either a Text Broadcast that you sent or from an Automation that you've s...