Supported Languages
Max Classic has support for the following languages, on external pages:
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Italian
- Japanese
- Dutch
- Arabic
- Swedish
These external pages pages will render in the language set by the user's web browser language settings. The external page will default to English if the language is not yet supported in Max Classic. These pages include: Shopping Cart, Order Forms, Quotes, Invoices, Email Update Page, Email Opt-Out Page, and some emails (Quotes, Invoices, and Email Confirmation.)
Please Note! This doesn't work using legacy invoice settings
On the contact record, under the Orders tab, select a recent order or add a new order. In the order, select Send Invoice. The invoice email content will be rendered based on the language on the contact record. If we do not yet support the language, it will be rendered in English.
Email Confirmation Sequences
- While In Campaign Builder, in the email confirmation sequence, click on the Confirmation Email part of the sequence.
- Once you are in the builder, select the language from the drop-down menu
- All hard-coded content will be translated immediately. Any custom content will not be translated automatically.