Orders & Quotes

Create and modify orders and quotes


 Create a Manual Order
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. While viewing a contact record, click on the  Order  tab. Click on the  Add Order button. Go to the Order Information section. (Optional) Order Title : By default, this field...
 Add a payment to an existing order
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. When someone pays you offline, you may need to manually record and /or process a payment for an existing order. You can do this in one of two ways: By navigating to the contact record first and making ...
Manually create an order for a subscription
Before you can create a manual order, you must create a contact record for the customer. After you create a contact record, there are two ways you can enter the person's order: you can add the order from the main navigation menu, or from the order t...
Create a Quick Sale Order
Once you understand the manual order process, you may want to use the quick sale option to quickly create a single-item order for a one time only product (no subscriptions.) This option gives you control over the following: Adjusting the product ...
Add A Payment Plan To A Manual Order
After an order is created a payment plan can be added or altered. The payment plan allows a customer to pay for a purchase in one or several installments. Max Classic will automatically charge the card on file as long as a merchant account is set ...
 Create a quote
The quoting tool makes it easy to create, manage and share quotes and proposals with potential buyers directly from a contact search. To take payments online, check out the Keap Payments FAQ . Access quote tool You can access quoting tools from...
Quotes statuses, notifications, and reporting
Notification Emails A notification email is sent to the contacts owner when a quote is:  Declined  Accepted   or Paid Quote statuses If your customer declines the quote, their page is refreshed, the word “ Declined ”  with...
Delete a Quote
You can delete a quote that is in any status on a contact record using the following steps: Open the contact record Scroll down and click on Orders Click the quote to open it Click the Delete  button Quotes that have not been sent ...
Delete quotes in bulk
Go to E-Commerce > Reports Scroll down to the bottom report: Quote Status Search Click New Search to select your search criteria Click Search Click the Actions  button and select Delete Quotes from the drop-down ...