Order form terms

This article applies to:

You can make sure your clients are fully informed before making a purchase with the new terms section of mobile-responsive order forms. You also have the option of including a required checkbox for clients to  acknowledge your terms, which will display just above the payment button at checkout.

Terms can only be used on mobile-responsive order forms

  1. Navigate to your order form or create a new one
  2. Click the Terms tab
  3. Choose whether or not customers must agree to the terms
  4. Enter the terms to display
  5. Click Save

Note: You can include a link in your Terms section by using very basic HTML. You can use this code as a template for creating a link: <a href="LINK"target=_blank"> TEXT </a> Be aware that you must include the full http:// or https:// before the destination URL link. You can learn more on how to create hyperlinks HERE.

Your terms will display on the order form during checkout.

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