WordPress Plugin

Build Infusionsoft opt-in forms directly from within your WordPress website


WordPress Plugin set up
If you use WordPress as your website builder, you can use Max Classic's free WordPress plugin to create Keap-compatible opt-in forms and connect them to your campaigns.  Download the Infusionsoft Official Opt-in forms Sign in to your WordPres...
WordPress - create an opt-in form
Before starting, complete WordPress Plugin set-up , and identify where and how you want the opt-in form to show up on your web page, and what type of information that you want to capture from your web site visitors.  Log into your WordPress a...
 Wordpress Opt-in campaign goal
If you use WordPress as your website builder, and have already installed the WordPress Opt-in form Plugin , you can create Infusionsoft-compatible opt-in forms on your WordPress site and use the WordPress Opt-in goal to connect them to your mar...
Managing WordPress opt-in forms
It's a good idea to keep an eye on the settings and performance of your opt-in forms by periodically reviewing your WordPress opt-in forms and statistics.  View the status, or edit your WordPress opt-in forms In Wordpress, click on the  Infusi...