Mobile App

Manage and communicate to your contacts directly from your mobile device


Max Classic mobile app
The Max Classic mobile app allows you to manage and communicate to your contacts directly from your mobile device. Also, by leveraging tag goals, you can automate follow-up by tagging a contact. Max Classic mobile currently offers the best experienc...
Max Classic Mobile Tasks
Expand the menu and tap Tasks   Click on a task to view the Task List screen. Today contains overdue tasks and tasks due today. Upcoming contains tasks with due dates in the future. No Due Date contains tasks with no due date. ...
Max Classic Mobile Payments iOS
An Active US Payments account is required to use the Mobile Payments feature. Learn how to view, create, and collect payments for orders on your mobile device with Max Classic Mobile. Known Issue : If you attempt to process a payment for a c...
Max Classic Mobile Payments Android
An Active US Payments account is required to use the Max Classic Mobile Payments feature. Known Issue : If you attempt to process a payment for a contact with no email in its Email 1 field through the Recent Orders Screen, the contact may not re...
Max Classic Mobile Card Reader
An Active US Payments account is required to use the Max Classic Mobile Payments feature. *Please note that the Keap Payments Bluetooth reader is no longer available as of February 2019.  The Keap Payments service in the application is still avail...
Max Classic Mobile Opportunities
For both iOS and Android, there is an Opportunities option. Clicking on that option will take you to your list of opportunities. On Android, Opportunities is available in the main menu: On IOS, Opportunities is now an option in the bottom tab...
Business Card Transcriber
You can now add a contact to Max Classic just by snapping a picture of their business card. From the Add Contact screen, there is now a camera button which takes you to a guided flow to Snap a business card. Once the card has finished processing, ...
EMV Chip Card FAQ
What is EMV? EMV credit cards house a computer chip that makes the card very difficult to counterfiet. Traditional magnetic stripe cards are very susceptible to fraud. Most of Europe have been using EMV technology for years. The United States is ...