Convert Clients


Play Blueprint: Sales Offer Broadcast
Why Run It: To convert hot or warm leads Who It's For: Product and Service based businesses Implementation time: 15-25 min depending on the number of offers and sequences you run Play Snapshot Building an automated sales offer is o...
Play Blueprint: Re-Engagement Offer
Why Run It: To convert clients Who It's For: Any business that has unconverted leads on their email list Implementation time: 20-40 min Play Snapshot There are few plays as impactful as the re-engagement offer. This play serves a...
Play Blueprint: Sales Pipeline
Why Run It: Convert clients by automating a seamless journey from lead to prospect to paying client. Who It's For: Sales based businesses that need a system to keep track of a multi-step sales and closing process. (But can also be used ...
 Play Blueprint: Guide Follow Up + Offer
Why Run It: To convert clients after they have downloaded and consumed a lead magnet Who It's For: Any business using a lead magnet to build their list and can convert clients digitally Implem...
 Play Blueprint: Personalized Check In
Why Run It: To send a personalized message to wow clients and prospects. Who It's For: Business owners, operators, and salespeople can use this play as a great tool to create fans and convert clients.  You’ll never miss an opportunity t...