Populate multiple fields with a single field from your spreadsheet

This article applies to:

When you import a list, you are able to populate multiple Keap fields with data from one Keap field. For example, you can use the address data in your spreadsheet to populate both the Billing and the Shipping address fields in Keap. You can also use the additional matching options to set default values for Keap fields during import, even if the field data is not included in your spreadsheet file (e.g., set the Person Type field to Prospect or Customer.)

Click on the Additional Field mapping options link to populate multiple fields with data from your spreadsheet or to set default field values.

To populate data to more than one field

  1. Select the first Field from the Your Field drop down

  2. Now select the target Field from the Keap Field drop down.

  3. Click Pick another field to repeat the process for additional fields.

To auto-populate an Keap field

  1. Select a field from the drop down

  2. Type in the value you want added to that field. This information  is added to the field for all of the contacts on the import list.

  3. Click Next to complete the import process.
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