How To Convert Existing Emails To The New Email Builder

This article applies to:

For long-time Max Classic users, the prospect of having new and updated features is both exciting and potentially daunting. Each new wrinkle brings the possibility of necessary changes to existing content in order to ensure its continued functionality.

One example of this is converting Legacy edition emails into messages that can be used in the new email builder. Not everything can be converted. Certain types like code builder emails will not translate, as well as HTML, file attachments, and email signatures.

Campaign Builder

Option 1: If the email is already saved in templates

  1. Ensure that emails are saved under Marketing Templates
  2. Open the campaign sequence you want to change
  3. Drag over a new email object and open it
  4. Click the Actions button
  5. Import the legacy template
  6. Select the template name
  7. Once selected, choose Convert Template
  8. Review the email and make necessary changes. (Note: Not all information will convert, some tweaking may be necessary. Specifically, check the From, To, and Subject fields.)
  9. Set to Ready, and then Publish

Option 2: Steps for Legacy emails that are not to be saved as a template

  1. Open the campaign that includes the legacy email
  2. Open the email
  3. Click the Actions button
  4. Note: Save as a template for future use!
  5. Click Actions again (The email will close if you save it as a template)
  6. Select Convert to New Builder
  7. Review the email and make necessary changes. (Note: Not all information will convert, some tweaking may be necessary. Specifically, check the From, To, and Subject fields.)
  8. Set to Ready, then Publish

Broadcast Email

  1. Go to Marketing > Email & Broadcasts
  2. Click Get Started
  3. Click Actions
  4. Select Import Legacy Templates
  5. Select the desired template name
  6. Click Convert Template
  7. Review the email and make necessary changes. (Note: Not all information will convert, some tweaking may be necessary. Specifically, check the From, To, and Subject fields.)
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