May 21, 2020 | Infusionsoft

This article applies to:

Security update: Password fields on contact records

We have updated the Password field on contact records' Additional Info tab to obscure the contact's password. You can still provide the contact their password by using the ~Contact.Password~ merge field, but will not be able to view it directly on the contact record.

Bug Fixes

  • The legacy email builder’s social media snippets for Facebook were creating broken links that would not take contacts to the intended page. (Known Issue 2031905)
  • For campaigns that were imported from the Keap Marketplace with Set Field processes, custom field types that did not already exist in the app were not always created. (Known Issue 2018128)
  • Voice broadcasts between 25 and 30 seconds were sometimes failing to record. 
  • In some applications, sales tax was not being applied to orders.
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