June 11, 2020 | Infusionsoft

Tags: Keap-Classic
This article applies to:

Campaign Builder update: Use tag categories in the Tag Applied goal

If you like to keep a tidy tagging system, this update will delight you. You can now trigger the Tag Applied goal based on tag categories as well as tags themselves. This will come in handy when you have a campaign that will work for multiple tag types in a category. Learn more.

Landing Pages update: Revision history, faster performance, and a cleaner look...oh my!

We think you’re going to like the most recent updates to Landing Pages. In addition to updating the look and feel to be more consistent with the product, you can expect much faster load times, and you can also access your revision history. Faster, cleaner, and all-around neater. Learn more.

Bug Fixes

  • Sometimes the calendars for selecting dates would load at the very bottom of the page instead of directly underneath the related field. (Known Issue 2040928)
  • There were some instances when a successful payment should have triggered an invoice to send, but the invoice was not sent and there was no indication of the failure. (Known Issue 2035005)
  • When an order didn't end in 0 (ex: $0.01, $0.09, $12.34), and had more than 1 payment scheduled the order balance when adding a payment was incorrect. In addition, the status of some payments displayed as "past due" when they should've displayed as "current" on invoices. (Known Issue 2037612)
  • The Quick Sale option (single-item orders for one-time-only products) in the contact's Orders section on the contact record did not send invoice receipts.
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