February 18, 2021 | Max Classic

Tags: Keap-Classic
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The E-commerce Setup page gets a new look

The E-commerce setup page has been redesigned to make it easier to navigate and take key actions. Common tasks like adding orders, entering payments, and creating promo codes are now available in a “Quick actions” menu. In addition, a new search bar will help you quickly find anything you need.

Payments update: Nexus Merchants highlighted as a preferred processor

Important! Nexus Merchants is in the process of being sunset, which means it will no longer be offered as a merchant you will be able to connect your Keap account to. More info can be found here.

Nexus Merchants is now featured prominently alongside our other preferred processors in your Payment Types settings. Previously Nexus Merchants was listed under “Other Credit Card Processors,” so if you’re looking to make changes to an existing Nexus Merchants integrations, don’t panic! Just scroll up and look for the Nexus Merchants card on the page. Learn more.

Updates to Keap’s email tracking links

We are beginning to roll out new domains for Keap’s email tracking links and will transition to these new domains over the next 30-60 days. This will not directly impact your emails or application, though if you hover over links in sent emails you may notice a domain of “keap-link001.com through keap-link010.com” instead of the old “infusion-links.com domain.”

Bug fixes

  • Our API’s payments endpoint returned 400- and 500-error codes when attempting to place a payment. (Known Issue 2310530)
  • Stripe error messages were displayed as code in customer apps instead of clear error messages. (Known Issue 2257283)
  • When a web form’s font size and family were changed in the “Layout and Style” section, those changes were not being applied to checkbox snippets. (Known Issue 2314430)
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